3 Super Important Nutrients You Should Make Sure Your Kids Are Getting Enough Of

Some kids gobble up everything you put in front of them, and you can rest assured their growing bodies are well-nourished.

Others refuse to eat anything but white pasta. Or, even worse, pretend to eat their carrots but feed them to the dog when you’re not looking, so you don’t even know they’re missing out on those vitamins and nutrients. (That’s where the hidden carrots in Kidfresh meals like Muy Cheesy Quesadillas come in handy!)

As a parent, your best bet is to get them to eat as many nutrient-dense whole foods as possible, with an emphasis on veggies. However, there are a few specific nutrients that are so important, it’s worth paying extra attention to whether or not your little ones are getting enough.

  1. Calcium

We all know calcium is necessary for strong bones, and it’s especially important for kids with growing bones and teeth. Research shows that getting enough nutrients early in life helps kids achieve maximum peak bone mass by age 18, which decreases the likelihood of osteoporosis later in life. In other words, you’re setting them up for a long, healthy life from the get-go. (Bonus: strong bones fracture less easily, so you can stress less when your little one takes an interest in skateboarding.) Kidfresh’s Wagon Wheels Mac ‘N Cheese is made with real grated cheddar, making it a great source of calcium.

  1. Iron

Iron is essential to fuel early growth and development. It helps move oxygen from the lungs throughout the rest of the body, and oxygen has a lot of important jobs. You can find it in red meat, dark, leafy greens, chicken, fish, and beans. Those aforementioned quesadillas are also a great source.

  1. Protein

Most kids get more than enough protein, especially if they’re eating meat regularly. But if you’re dealing with a picky eater, you may want to monitor this macronutrient. Every cell needs protein to work correctly, and it’s key to providing energy (so your kids don’t sleep through math class) and building and repairing muscles. Kidfresh prioritizes the nutrients in all of its meals, so you don’t have to worry at all.